Laser Harp
After hearing about this from Tony Allgood and finally getting the chance to do the MIDI interface. I just had to see this awesome creation from Martin and Tracy Frankcom.
When he offered to bring it over to my house I didn't need asking twice. What Martin brought was not at all what I imagined.
It was this huge mass of power supply, industrial laser, galvo and laser receiving receptable (the goblet shaped thing covered in tin foil).
N.B Galvo is the galvanometer which is a moving coil on one or more pivots with a mirror to reflect the laser.
powered up and running
Beams hitting the ceiling and passing through into upstairs ( only kidding )
Tonys scanning interface and photo detector amplifer gubbins.
Harp running prior to interface being added.
Harp all boxed up and running
More information on Jarrelook here
Last updated 3rd February 2005